• Grain size
    Laser Particle analysis with Coulter LS-230 and Microtrak
    Image analysis with VDiamant DiaInspect-S, DiaInspect-P and DiaInspect OSM
    Test sieving with woven or electroformed sieves with Ro-Tap or Retsch AS200
  • Grain shape
    Image analysis with VDiamant DiaInspect-S, DiaInspect-P and DiaInspect OSM
  • Grain strength
    Fracture strength with VDiamant DiaTest ASM
    Thermal strength with VDiamant DiaHeat
    Toughness index and thermal toughness index with Friability-Test TI, TTI and T50
  • Magnetic inclusions and impurities: REM
  • Binder composition at diamond tools and segments: EDAX